The Asia-Pacific Roundtable (APR)
ISIS Malaysia has also hosted the Asia-Pacific Roundtable series since its launch in 1987 to promote trust and confidence in the Asia-Pacific region. As a Track Two forum, the APR brings together think tanks, academics, media representatives and senior government officials acting in their personal capacity to engage in candid dialogue regarding the major security challenges confronting the region. Over the past two decades, the APR has gained a reputation as the premier Track Two forum in the region, bringing together over 250 participants and observers to its recent annual conferences.
The APR has consistently viewed security as comprehensive in nature, encompassing critical threats to human well-being and livelihood in the political, economic, social, environmental and conventional security areas. The APR agenda therefore includes such disparate topics as, among others, arms race, globalisation, human rights, maritime security, transnational crime and terrorism.
The APR is a project of the ASEAN Institutes of Strategic and International Studies (ASEAN-ISIS), with ISIS Malaysia as the anchor institution for the convening the conference. Since 1993, the convening of the APR has been made possible by the support of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).