Edited by Al’Alim Ibrahim
1994 321pp RM40.00/US$20.00 (sc) RM50.00/US$25.00 (hc) ISBN 967-947-196-9

The First Malaysian National Savings Conference, which was very comprehensive, covered the theoretical framework relating savings to national growth and development. It also covered issues relating to social security, which have emerged with the sustained economic growth and development of the nation, and which in turn have created higher expectations and placed a greater demand on the national social security system. In trying to meet these expectations, the social security and national provident fund systems are under pressure to ensure reasonable yields or returns on investments, while ensuring the safety of the capital sums invested. In trying to address all these issues, the conference has raised a large agenda for further research by economists and social scientists. This book contains the key papers presented at the conference as well as a summary of the workshop proceedings.
Selected Issues and Policy Directions

Edited by Vijayakumari Kanapathy and Ismail Muhd Salleh
1994 370pp RM40.00/US$20.00 ISBN967-947-169-1

This publication on the Malaysian economy is a compilation of individual papers prepared for various fora or based on research projects undertaken by ISIS. These are largely policy-oriented papers that look into the various elements of this new strategy for sustained growth. The papers trace the significant structural changes that had taken place in the 1970s and 1980s, and the structural adjustments of the 1980s. They draw out the major lessons and policy directions for the 1990s and beyond.

Edited by Patrick Pillai and Ridzwan Othman
1994 160pp RM15.00/US$7.50 ISBN967-947-198-5

Rapid industrialisation and a skills shortage have led to a heightened awareness of the need to reform the vocational and educational training (VET) system. A developing country bent on reform needs ideas. Some of the best ideas come from economically successful countries. Japan is one. Germany is another. Germany’s highly successful dual VET system is a crucial factor behind its emergence as an international economic power. The German experience has shown that it is often a combination of classroom learning, and on-the-job training–in which trainees learn to work and work to learn–which produces the best results. This collection of papers examines aspects of vocational training in Germany and Malaysia.
An Outsider’s Inside View

By Nigel Holloway
1994 14pp RM5.00/US$2.50 ISBN 967-947-183-7

The dramatic rise and fall of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) and the lessons to be drawn from the TSE experience are the focus of Mr Nigel Holloway’s paper. Mr Holloway, Business Editor of the Far Eastern Economic Review, contends that the fall and rise of the TSE was exaggerated by some features that are unique to the TSE. Chief among them is the existence of corporate governance, which because of the intimate and interlocking nature of their stock cross shareholding set up, prevented the TSE shares from moving freely and inhibited any corrections to the TSE stock movement. Mr Holloway also expounds on the various measures, including restructuring the corporate cross shareholding practice, changes in merger and acquisition law and deregulation in the financial industry, that would make the TSE a better place to invest.
Its Social And Economic Impact And Policy Responses in Japan

By Makoto Atoh
1994 43pp RM8.00/US$4.00 ISBN967-947-182-9

With fertility failing below replacement rate, the demographic transition presents a serious challenge to Japan’s future. Dr Atoh, Director of Department of Population Studies at the Institute of Population Problems, Ministry of Health and Welfare, traces the trend in population growth, the social and economic factors behind this trend and its implications, with particular emphasis on the ‘aging population’ of Japan. Dr Atoh explores the various policy measures designed to counter the population decline, focusses on improving the social and economic environment for child care and also deals with the issue of foreign immigration. This paper was delivered as a Centre for Japan Studies Lecture.

By Michihiko Sato
1994 76pp RM8.00/US$4.00 ISBN967-947-189-6

How does Japan, whose land area is only slightly bigger than that of Malaysia and which has a population six-and-half times as large, cope with the problem of traffic jams? Mr Sato, who is with the Public Works Department in Osaka City, examines Japan’s urban planning as well as its policy implementation system, particularly with regard to urban transportation. Among the issues covered are the improvement, in terms of convenience and efficiency, of the public transportation system, betterment of traffic control systems and traffic law, and reduction in pollution related to transportation (i.e. noise and air pollution) through various means such as the promotion of the electric car, the introduction of automobile emission reduction devices and the construction of buffer buildings near residential areas affected by traffic.
Experiences Of A Japanese Businessman

By Haruyasu Ohsumi
1994 109pp RM10.00/US$5.00 ISBN967-947-194-2

Differences in the practice and culture between the business community of Japan and that of the United States, Mr Ohsumi believes, have ‘greatly influenced their economic competitiveness.’ Mr Ohsumi regards the daily activities of doing business by the businessmen as the fundamental of economy, thus, meaningful solution to economic friction will not be realised unless….. there (is a) focus on the differences in daily performances of businessmen.’

By Jun Arima
1994 27pp RM5.00/US$2.50 ISBN967-947-190-X

Japan is the world’s largest energy consuming country and yet produces less than 20 per cent of it’s own energy needs. Thus it is not surprising that ensuring a steady and reliable supply of energy sources is of paramount importance in Japan’s energy policies. Mr Jun Arima, currently the Deputy Director of the International Policy Division of the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, MITI (Japan) in this booklet version of his lecture, traced the energy policy process of Japan since WWII to the present. Mr Arima also revealed how events such as the soil shocks of ’73 and ’78 as well as new realities such as the environmental concerns and consideration for resources conservation had shaped Japan’s energy policy.

By Masao Okonogi
1994 11pp RM5.00/US$2.50 ISBN967-947-195-0

Professor Okonogi, a Korean specialist at Keio University, examines the events surrounding North Korea’s decision to pull out from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). He also touches on relevant issues such as the possible motives behind North Korea’s desire to develop its nuclear capability and the effect of such moves particularly on North – South Korean relations, and more generally on North Korea’s international relations.

By Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda
1994 117pp RM15.00/US$7.50 ISBN967-947-199-3

This study suggests that Japan should play a more positive security role in the Asia-Pacific region in the post-Cold War era. It also explains the historical background and components of Japan’s defence policy. The author introduces various roles Japan could play — economic, political, diplomatic and defence — which are regarded as security roles in the context of ‘comprehensive security’.

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