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Yearly Archives: 2013

Seminar: Future Earth-Knowledge for Sustainability Transformation

Date: 21 August 2013 Place: Kuala Lumpur

Book Launch – India and Malaysia: Intertwined Strands

By Prof Veena Sikri, Ford Foundation Chair Date: 3 July 2013 (afternoon) Venue: ISIS Conference Room, Kuala Lumpur

Joint Forum on “The Conflict in Syria: An Insider’s View”

By Mother Superior Agnes-Marian De Le Croix, Convent of St James the Mutilated of Qara, Homs in Syria Date: 3...

Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohamed Jawhar

Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohamed Jawhar Hassan’s appointment as Chairman of ISIS Malaysia was renewed with effect from 9 January 2014. He had...
Social development

Social Development Pays

By Bunn Nagara which appeared in The Star, 14 July...

25th APR Interviews

Interview of Prof Dr Andrei Lankov, Social Science Department, Kookmin University, Republic of Korea by Mr Kamarul Bahrin Haron, Astro Awani. ...

26th APR Interviews

Dr Rizal Sukma, Executive Director, The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia assesses Indonesia's chairmanship of ASEAN from 2011 -...

27th APR Video Files

Admiral Samuel J Locklear III comments on the South China Sea during a press conference on the sidelines of the 27th Asia-Pacific...

Pasca Pilihanraya Ketiga Belas: Pemuafakatan dan Perpaduan Nasional

Address by HRH Raja Nazrin Shah Ibni Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah, Regent of Perak Darul Ridzuan and ISIS Eminent Fellow, at the Majlis Syarahan...
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