By Mr Timothy Beardson, Author – Stumbling Giant: The Threats to China’s Future
Date: 9 April 2014
Venue: ISIS Conference Room, Kuala Lumpur
The book addresses the future of China during the 21st century. It particularly deals with the issue whether China’s growth can continue, whether it will eventually replace the US as the superpower and what are the challenges to the rise. Topics introduced include whether China can go from low-cost manufacturing to innovation, whether it can rescue its environment, the current dysfunctionality of the financial system, the consequences of a defective welfare structure, the evolving role of the Communist Party and, especially, the impact of a looming demographic crisis. The narrative also confronts issues such as the role in Africa, cyber hostility, relationships with neighbours, China’s behaviour in the world and its future use of power. The theme of the book is to explore how and to what extent these issues will affect China’s present rapid pace of development.