[Closed-door & By Invitation Only]
By Dr Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman, Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Malaysia Program, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological Universit (NTU), Singapore
Date: 17 September 2015
Venue: ISIS Conference Room
The 17th Singapore election will see a keen contest between the ruling PAP and a number of Opposition parties including the Worker’s Party, Singapore Democratic Party and Singapore People’s Party. The election could prove instrumental in shaping the future of Singaporean politics and society. Dr Nawab Osman will parse the significance of the 17th Singapore election outcome and its implications on Singapore’s move towards a more liberal political space.
ADMISSION IS FREE. Please confirm your participation via fax or e-mail not later than 15 September 2015 to:
Tel: 603 2693 9366 ext. 128; 603 2693 2060 (DL)
Fax: 603 2691 3210 / 2694 9227
Email: Ms Atikah – Atikah@isis.org.my