Monday, 22 May 2017

 International arrivals

1930 – 2000

Arrival of Guests and Networking Reception

2000 – 2100

Arrival of the Prime Minister of Malaysia and Welcoming Dinner

2100 – 2115

Keynote Address and Official Opening by the Prime Minister of Malaysia

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

0730 – 0845


0845 – 1045

Plenary 1: “New” Major Power Relations and Dynamics in the Asia Pacific

1045 – 1100


1100 – 1230

In Conversation: Asian Views on America’s Role in Asia

1230 – 1400

Lunch Address

1400 – 1530

Plenary 2: ASEAN: Is Change Inevitable?

1530 – 1700

Plenary 3: Tensions in Cyber Space: Balancing National Security, Privacy, and Innovation

1700 – 1715


1715 – 1845

Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent 1: Strategic Update: Southeast Asia and Oceania

Concurrent 2: Strategic Update: Northeast Asia

1900 – 2100


Wednesday: 24 May 2017

0900 – 1030

Plenary 4: Wither Economic Cooperation in the Asia Pacific: More Ingredients for the Spaghetti Bowl?

1030 – 1045


1045 – 1215

Concurrent Sessions

 Concurrent 3: Mekong Cooperation: Managing Challenges and Expectations
 Concurrent 4: Irregular Migration: Regional Flows and Impact

1215 – 1400


1400 – 1530

Plenary 5: Military Modernisation in the Asia Pacific: Motives, Trends and Transparency

1530 – 1545


1545 – 1715

Plenary 6: Exceptionalism vs. Integration: Nationalist, Anti-Globalisation and Anti-Establishment Politics

1715 – 1730

Closing remarks

Updated as of 16 May 2017
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