CDRI’s Mission
As an independent Cambodian development policy research institute, the mission of the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) is to contribute to Cambodia’s sustainable development and the well-being of its people through the generation of high quality policy-relevant development research, knowledge dissemination and capacity building.
CDRI works to achieve this mission in partnership with Cambodian public institutions, civil society and their regional and international development partners, with respect for the capacity of the Cambodian people and their institutions, for the value of local knowledge and experience, and for Cambodia’s history and culture.
What We Do
CDRI produces independent, objective, high quality policy-relevant development research, aiming to maximise its accessibility to policy makers, influencers and stakeholders, and to have it affect policy in five interrelated areas that are key for Cambodia’s sustainable development:
- economy, trade and regional cooperation;
- poverty reduction, agricultural development and rural livelihoods;
- democratic governance and public sector reform;
- natural resources and the environment;
- human security, peace building and conflict transformation.
CDRI’s research is designed, implemented and disseminated within an ethical framework that emphasises the principles of consultation and participation, transparency, informed consent, confidentiality of data, local ownership and participation, respect for privacy and the wellbeing of the vulnerable, a commitment to the strengthening of local capacity, and sensitivity to local culture.
CDRI undertakes its programmes and projects in partnership with Cambodian government agencies and their international development partners, other research and tertiary education institutions and civil society organisations. To support its research and capacity building, it also offers library, information and publishing services, and both hosts and participates in local and international conferences, seminars and training programmes on development issues.
Located in the Phnom Penh suburb of Tuol Kork, CDRI has 104 staff including management, professional and technical staff, administrative and support staff, of whom 100 are Cambodian. CDRI has a strong commitment to developing the capacity and professional skills of its staff, many of whom, after being trained at CDRI, go on to contribute to other Cambodian and international organisations involved in their country’s development.
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