Uncertainties from the global COVID-19 outbreak and its seemingly unforeseen implications on the global social, political and economic framework form the theme for the papers here. The series of three essays explore the global trade and economic aspects from a seaborne shipping perspective. These include different sectors covering the seaborne transport of commodities across the oceans of the world for cargoes, such as crude oil, refined, dry cargoes and other containerised goods. Malaysia is located within an important seaborne and ocean segment geographically in this global economic sector, which accounts for almost 80% of global trade. The challenges and likely consequences at a global level are explored by relating to various published sources at the time of the current crisis. These ranges from current ongoing research as well as reports from major media sources that reflect upon what the future may come to represent for the world. They are presented as reflections largely to explore the future for humankind in the evolving global trade, economics as well as the social and environmental dynamics that are likely to emerge.
Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman bin Mahbob
Board member of ISIS Malaysia
Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman is currently Adjunct Professor at the following institutions: International Institute of Public Policy and Management (INPUMA) at University of Malaya; Tun Abdul Razak School of Government (TARSOG) at Universiti Tun Abdul Razak; and Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Dr Rawindaran Nair
Visiting Fellow in ISIS Malaysia
Dr Rawindaran Nair is an academic in the Cardiff Business School of Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom. His subjects are International Shipping Economics and International Shipping Policy, specialising on International Laws on Jurisdiction, Safety and Security Policies, including Transportation Law, under the postgraduate MSc Maritime Policy and Shipping Management programme of the School. He is presently Director of the Certificate of Liner Shipping programme at Lloyd’s Maritime Academy, and External Tutor in the Economics of Sea Transport Module of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, London. His research interests include perspectives regarding strategic challenges facing the global maritime sector covering the seaborne trade and navigation of the shipping industry.
Paper 1
Shipping Dynamics in the changing scenario arising from the crisis of the global coronavirus pandemic in container shipping sector
By Dr Rawindaran Nair and Tan Sri Sulaiman Mahbob
Paper 2
Paper: Challenges ongoing for shipping and global seaborne trade from the global COVID-19 pandemic
By Dr Rawindaran Nair and Tan Sri Sulaiman Mahbob
Paper 3
Oil Dynamics in Global Shipping
By Dr Rawindaran Nair and Tan Sri Sulaiman Mahbob