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Yearly Archives: 2024

BFM podcast: Challenges of coal phase out

Malaysia aims to phase out coal-fired power plants by 2044 and given that 60% of our electricity supply comes from coal, the pathways to retiring these plants might have to balance economic interests with that of the environment.

My Say: Ageing Malaysia must build cradle-to-grave care economy now

Malaysia is ageing at a pace far quicker than many other countries have in the past. By 2040, the country is set to see a threefold increase in the old age dependency ratio. This means that for every working age Malaysian adult, there will be three elderly people needing support.

Analysts: BRICS could increase FDIs, strengthen M’sia’s global voice

Joining intergovernmental organisation BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) can attract more foreign investments to Malaysia amid the intensifying economic race among global superpowers, say analysts.

Unpaid care and domestic work could contribute RM379b to Malaysia’s GDP if valued

KUALA LUMPUR (June 21): Unpaid care and domestic work could create RM379 billion in economic value, and form the second largest sector contributing to Malaysia's gross domestic product (GDP) after the manufacturing sector if valued, according to the Institute of Strategic & International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia.

Premier Li Qiang’s visit has Malaysia wanting more from China pivot

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim surprised many when he sought closer ties with China after coming to power in 2022 in an effort to boost his country’s flagging economic growth.

Malaysia’s semiconductor ecosystem amid geopolitical flux

Malaysia’s immense electrical and electronics (E&E) ecosystem is the result of its industrial policies dating back to the 1970s.

Membina ekonomi penjagaan dari buaian hingga ke liang lahad untuk Malaysia

Peralihan demografi di Malaysia makin terarah kepada masyarakat berusia dan penguncupan tenaga buruh menyebabkan permintaan terhadap keperluan penjagaan akan meningkat.

BFM podcast: Warmer Singapore-Malaysia ties

With Lawrence Wong assuming office as Singapore's fourth Prime Minister on May 15th, we unpack his two-day working visit to Malaysia aimed at strengthening bilateral ties and cooperation between the two nations as well as overcome unresolved issues such as water and maritime border delineation.

Building a cradle-to-grave care economy for Malaysia

As Malaysia’s demographic transition deepens amid an aging society and a shrinking labour force, demand for care needs will surge, and its impacts will be felt most acutely by women who perform the bulk of unpaid care work.
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