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Yearly Archives: 2024

Harmony across horizons: Malaysia and Kazakhstan’s enduring journey of friendship

The year 2024 marks the 32nd anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Malaysia and Kazakhstan, a testament to the enduring partnership that has evolved since Kazakhstan’s independence in 1991.

Seizing the moment: Malaysia’s role in a world of geopolitical flux

In the last few years, the global geopolitical chessboard has been changing rapidly, and the potential economic implications are manifold.

Amid China concerns, Manila and Hanoi agree to better manage maritime disputes

Frustrated with the slow progress in reaching a regional maritime code-of-conduct with China, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is turning to neighboring South China Sea claimant states to boost regional security cooperation and potentially forge a united front against Beijing at a time of growing friction in contested waters.

BFM podcast: Malaysia’s clean energy ambitions waiting on action

Malaysia launched its National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) to much fanfare in 2023, setting the goal of reaching 70% renewable energy installed capacity by 2050.

Put defence reforms on the frontline

MALAYSIA’S strategic defence planning and capacities are beset with challenges which have hobbled the armed forces and the country’s capability as an effective deterrent.

Consider This: Gender pay gap — deciphering the decline

Women earn only RM66 for every RM100 earned by men; according to the Department of Statistics Malaysia.

BFM podcast: Malaysia & Indonesia on shared boundaries in a relationship

Indonesia has had strong relations with Malaysia throughout the years. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim even made his first foreign visit there upon assuming office.

With India’s help, Asean could fulfil Indo-Pacific aspirations

Asean’s current relations with India are defined by older, outdated and ‘safer’ narratives – none of which reflects current realities.

Challenges to adopting renewable energy

Southeast Asia and the Indian sub-continent were identified in many climate studies as two of the most vulnerable regions.
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