RM370bil unseen cost of women’s unpaid work at home
Malaysia ranks poorly for women’s participation in the economy because of a lack of investment in the care economy, says a researcher....
Angeline Tan at the Nikkei Forum 29th Future of Asia
Angeline was featured on the session “Asian prosperity fostered by human exchange” discussing interchanges between ASEAN and Japan....
The China-Russia ‘Axis’ Is Overhyped
The recent visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, North Korea, and Vietnam attracted a lot of international attention given the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Moscow’s attempt to deal with the consequences of its isolation at the hands of the West. ...
As Brics lures Malaysia and Thailand while world order ‘crumbles all around’, is Asean OK?
The prospect of Southeast Asian nations joining Brics has ignited fierce debate among analysts, with proponents arguing membership could unlock lucrative trade and geopolitical opportunities – while sceptics warn it risks dragging countries into China and Russia’s orbit and f...


AI governance in a shifting environment: Projecting Malaysia’s AI ambitions

AI is on a growth trajectory in Malaysia but technologies and policies are constantly evolving. This requires extensive research and agile governing mechanisms. Excessive control could stifle innovation while insufficient governance could lead to unintended consequences.
RM370bil unseen cost of women’s unpaid work at home
Malaysia ranks poorly for women’s participation in the economy because of a lack of investment in the care economy, says a researcher....
Angeline Tan at the Nikkei Forum 29th Future of Asia
Angeline was featured on the session “Asian prosperity fostered by human exchange” discussing interchanges between ASEAN and Japan....
The China-Russia ‘Axis’ Is Overhyped
The recent visits of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China, North Korea, and Vietnam attracted a lot of international attention given the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Moscow’s attempt to deal with the consequences of its isolation at the hands of the West. ...
As Brics lures Malaysia and Thailand while world order ‘crumbles all around’, is Asean OK?
The prospect of Southeast Asian nations joining Brics has ignited fierce debate among analysts, with proponents arguing membership could unlock lucrative trade and geopolitical opportunities – while sceptics warn it risks dragging countries into China and Russia’s orbit and f...
Announcement: YBhg Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa completed his tenure as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive of the Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia on 8 January 2019. ISIS Malaysia’s Board of Directors and staff convey their sincere appreciation to YBhg Tan Sri Rastam for his able stewardship of ISIS Malaysia and wish him well in all his future endeavours.
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